Pejam celik pejam celik Dah besar dah anakanda ni..
Mama macam tak percaya jer Hadif dah nak masuk setahun bulan depan..
" ThE WiNNinG HoRSe DoEsN'T kNoW wHy it rUnS in tHe rAcE. But it kNoWs it RuN FasTeR BeCauSe of The BEatS & PaInS. ThE lArGeR Your PaInS aRe, the StRONGeR YOU beCoMe.. LiFe is A RacE, GoD is YoUr RiDeR, tHe HarDEr he BeatS YoU, tHe StrOngEr hE MakEs YOu to WIn..So DoN't Be DisTressEd.. Be A WinnInG Horse.. LiFe IS SomEtiMes DiffIcult BuT AlWAyS PoSSiBle"